CloudCoin Review
Said To Be The Future Of Currency
Learn About CloudCoin The Future Of Currency
What are CloudCoins?
CloudCoins provide a theoretically “perfect” global currency that cannot be counterfeited, double-spent, mined or lost. Your exchanges are 100% private, requiring no public ledgers, accounts, or even encryption. CloudCoins form a monetary system that is absolutely fair and ethical and requires no special software or downloads, and, like the Internet itself, cannot be brought down by governments, hackers or even nuclear weapons.
CloudCoins consist of 3,200 bits of secret data that only the owner knows. These bits are written into jpg images or in text files that can be stored on your computer and sent to your people by email, Skype, SMS, Facebook or even by regular old paper mail.
How to use CloudCoins
When you want to buy something, you will share the secret numbers with the seller. Now you and the seller know the numbers. Anyone who has the numbers can change the numbers using the RAIDA. There are servers on the Internet that work with other servers to create fault-tolerant storage systems called Clouds. The RAIDA is made up of 25 Clouds located all around the world in different jurisdictions and run by independent RAIDA administrators.
What is the RAIDA
Redundant Array of Independent Detection Agents. The RAIDA is a global counterfeit detection system that is indestructible and cannot be tampered with or hacked. Neither nuclear bombs, comet strikes, world wars, dictatorships or government hackers can bring down the RAIDA. Quantum safe, self-healing, simple, fast and reliable, the RAIDA can detect the authenticity of a CloudCoin within milliseconds.
Compare to Bitcoin
Metric | Bitcoin® | CloudCoin™ |
Underlying Technology | Cryptocurrency / Blockchain/Cryptography | Cloud Currency / RAIDA (Unique to CloudCoin) |
Spending Speed | Spending takes 40 minutes or more to update public ledger. | Takes milliseconds to check authenticity (Unique to CloudCoin) |
Theft | Can be stolen | 100% Safe if encrypted. Theft can be stopped if owner updates RAIDA before thief. (Unique to CloudCoin) |
Loss | Loss is permanent. See Guy Lost $67,000 in Bitcoin When he Upgraded His Computer | Loss can be recovered (Unique to CloudCoin) |
Counterfeits | Can be mined | Number of CloudCoins does not increase or decrease (except when doubling) (Unique to CloudCoin) |
Privacy? | Pseudonymous / Pseudo-Anonymous | 100% Anonymous (Unique to CloudCoin) |
Software Required? | Requires “Wallet” | No special software needed (Unique to CloudCoin) |
Time to get started | Takes over 24 hours to download blockchain. See Why is downloading blocks taking longer and longer? | No downloads required |
Account Required? | Account Required. see Bitcoins: How We Got Busted | No Account Required (Unique to CloudCoin) |
Public Ledger of all transactions | Uses Public Ledger that is available to the entire world including the KGB, CIA, China etc. | There is no public ledger or centralized database. See: What is the RAIDA? (Unique to CloudCoin) |
Hackable | Hundreds of Million already lost. See Theft And Mayhem In The Bitcoin World | Hacked RAIDA servers can be fixed by CloudCoin owners (Unique to CloudCoin) |
Quantum-Safe? | Bitcoin is not Quantum-Safe | Yes! Quantum Safe (Unique to CloudCoin) |
Storage | Special software Required | Printed on paper, memorized as pass-phrases, in cell phones or computers as text files or jpeg images or offline on any storage device. Encryption is optional. (Unique to CloudCoin) |
Infrastructure Funding | Bitcoin is funded primarily by Bitcoin miners who allow their servers to be used publicly. Anyone can be Bitcoin Miner (Counterfeiter). | CloudCoin authentication by RAIDA Administrators is funded with CloudCoins that have been completely lost or abandoned and recovered by the CloudCoin Consortium. RAIDA Administrators must be Certified by the CloudCoin Consortium (Unique to CloudCoin) |
Importable | Bitcoin cannot be imported into video games or other apps. | CloudCoin is the only real currency that can be imported and exported from software including video games. Add a new dimension to your software! (Unique to CloudCoin) |
Trademark | Bitcoin is a registered trademark of Mt. Gox | CloudCoin has been registered so that it can be used as a general term throughout the digital currency ecosystem. |
Fractions | Bitcoin uses insane fractions like .000002 | CloudCoin uses only integer denominations (whole numbers like customary money) and doubles if too valuable to scale to user’s needs. Comes in denominations of 1, 5, 25, 100 and 250 CloudCoin units. |
Analogy | Like the stone money of the Island of Yap, bitcoin uses a public accounting system that all can see. This system is not private and open to attack.![]() | CloudCoin is like typical money because it forms a distributed accounting system where each person is in charge of their piece of the system’s data.![]() |
Conclusion | First decentralized eCurrency | Next generation decentralized eCurrency. See About CloudCoin |
Redundant Array of Independent Detection Agents
Blockchain vs RAIDA
Metric | Bitcoin’s Blockchain | CloudCoin’s RAIDA |
Definition | A digital ledger in which transactions are recorded chronologically and publicly. | A Redundant Array of Independents Detection Agents that is globally dispersed, self-healing, cloud-based and tests for the authentication of CloudCoins and does not track transactions. |
Transaction Time | Blockchain process takes 15 minutes or more to make changes to the Blockchain. | RAIDA process takes less than 2 seconds to authenticate a CloudCoin. |
What is authenticated | Users’ 32 byte private keys | CloudCoins use 400 bytes of unguessable authenticity numbers (like DNA) that change with every owner. |
Size | The Blockchain is 100GB as of 1/16/2017. Grows as transactions are added. Expected to grow too large for most hard drives within a few years… and keep growing. | Fixed size 500MB per RAIDA Cloud. Never grows or shrinks. |
Account Holders | People are authenticated. People have accounts and may have many accounts. | CloudCoins themselves. CloudCoins have accounts and people trade ownership of these CloudCoin accounts. |
Number of Accounts | Number grows as people create accounts. So to does the size of the Blockchain. | Number of accounts fixed at 16,777,216 ( a 24 bit number) |
Transaction Method | Each person has one or more accounts and each account changes values. | People exchange account ownership and each account (CloudCoin) is worth a fixed amount. Denominations are 1s, 5s,25s, 100s and 250s. |
Fault Tolerance | The Blockchain is protected from hacking by encryption. Quantum computers run by governments most likely can already crack the Blockchain’s encryption. | The CloudCoins hold the information themselves. Authentication data is spread out (Stripped or shredded) across 25 Clouds per network globally in different jurisdictions. |
Transaction Method | Requires Bitcoin Miners to crack codes faster then then next computer. | 25 random guids are sent from the CloudCoin to the RAIDA in parallely. |
Account Expiration | Accounts never expire and this means money can be lost forever. | Accounts (CloudCoins) expire after two years if not authenticated. This means that lost money can be recovered by the owner. |
Time to setup an account | Account Required 3 to 4 days to . see sync | No account required. All CloudCoins already have accounts. This allows instance use. |
Public Ledger of all transactions | Uses Public Ledger that is available to the entire world including the KGB, CIA, China etc. | There is no public ledger or centralized database. See: What is the RAIDA? (Unique to CloudCoin) |
Hackable | Hundreds of Million already lost. See Theft And Mayhem In The Bitcoin World | Hacked RAIDA servers can be fixed by CloudCoin owners (Unique to CloudCoin) |
Infrastructure Funding | Bitcoin is funded primarily by Bitcoin miners who allow their servers to be used publicly. Anyone can be Bitcoin Miner (Counterfeiter). | CloudCoin authentication by RAIDA Administrators is funded with CloudCoins that have been completely lost or abandoned and recovered by the CloudCoin Consortium. RAIDA Administrators must be Certified by the CloudCoin Consortium (Unique to CloudCoin) |
Infrastructure Costs | Huge computers requiring huge amounts of electricty are required. | A lot of small clouds are required. The RAIDA infrastructure is very inexpensive. |
Conclusion | Blockchain uses technologies that are not practical in the future. Try it yourself but be ready to spend days downloading software and creating accounts. | The RAIDA does everything that the Blockchain does, only much faster and more reliable. Try it yourself. Spend $5.00 and see what it is like. Learn more about the RAIDA. |
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