Global Digital Currency
The Coming Mark Of The Beast

Deception always appears reasonable. It’s always camouflaged in a desirable offer or package. The “mark of the beast” will appear reasonable when introduced.
#BanCash #Dystopia #BigBrother
Government Digital Currency: Why You Should Be TERRIFIED!
Bill Gates Patent 666 We All Knew This Was Coming..
Bill Gates Microsoft patent 060606. Mark of the beast on the horizon.
The One World Digital Currency (MARK OF THE BEAST) has arrived.
Will you submit? Will you be forced to submit against your will?

#id2020 #bitcoin #crypto WARNING! Digital IDs Will Be Forced On YOU SOON! Why!?
Recent Articles tell us that Bill Gates & others are supporting microchip implantation. Should Christians be bothered? What’s the truth, watch this video and learn how we are approaching the end times.
I Found The Mark of The Beast 666 (CRYPTOCURRENCY SYSTEM)
George Orwell and 1984: How Freedom Dies
Using Coronavirus Pandemic To Create One World Currency
Could this whole Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic have been partially created to bring in a One World Digital Currency?
The article below was written before the Global Financial Meltdown caused by the pandemic (which we believe to be man-made and hugely hyped using the mainstream news media).
An End To Paper Money?
It’s no secret that governments are eager to eliminate cash. Part of the reason is that it would enable them to devalue their currencies faster.
That’s precisely why, as the calls to eliminate cash grow louder, we’ve seen a massive increase in currency creation and inflation all around the world.
Digital Dollar Being Voted On Now !!!
They are moving fast on this – probably to take advantage of the Coronavirus Fraud that they created. They want to get this done before the Sheeple wake up.
Lynette Zang (Why Own Silver? Great Reset, Hyperinflation, Passive Investing Bubble)
Global Digital Currency
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